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Helping children ‘Stomp the Worm’

Since 2004, Planting Peace has helped millions of children around the world through its deworming project called Stomp the Worm. It also has formed several children’s homes in Haiti and India.
CNN’s Christie O’Reilly recently caught up with Jackson to talk about his group’s expanding efforts and his collaboration with Wilson.
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Man Turns House Across the Street From Westboro Baptist Church Into Gay Pride Flag

A group infamous for its virulently homophobic views has a colorful new neighbor.

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Rainbow house fights Westboro Baptist with love

Dubbed the “Equality House,” it’s right across the street from the home of the cult-like homophobic Westboro Baptist Church, the group notorious for picketing the funerals of U.S. soldiers and for its signs proclaiming, “God hates f***.”

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Planting Peace Launches ‘Uganda Underground’ Safe-Housing Initiative For LGBT Community

Called “Uganda Underground,” the project is a safe-housing initiative that seeks to provide shelter and refuge for those attempting to protect themselves from the nation’s pervasive anti-LGBT sentiment.

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